Becoming circular

By 2030, our ambition is to be a circular business built on renewable energy. To achieve our goals, we must succeed with three processes:
  • Lean
    is about classic economic efficiency. Focusing on making more of less, using renewable energy

Our goals for 2030:

      • 50% recycled or non-fossil raw materials;
      • 50% non-fossil energy sources;
      • 50% of transport based on non-fossil fuel;
      • 100% of production units ISO 14001 certified.
  • Keep
    is about keeping the resources in the economy for as long as possible. This means giving products a longer life, either because the product itself lasts longer or because the components can be repaired, upgraded, or reused in new products.

Our goals for 2030:

        • 100% of products produced and/or traded are recyclable.;
        • Engage with customers to explore and identify products with potential to improve circularity through models of reuse.
  • Close
    is our vision to go from our current approach of “take-make-waste”, to a more sustainable approach of “borrow-use-return”. This includes designing products that can easily be recycled, and to ensure that the products are collected and recycled after its lifetime.

Our goals for 2030:

      • Collect the equal quantity of raw materials, that we supply to the market each year (with a lifetime less than one year);
      • Zero waste from production;
      • Reduce our waste generation and sort out 80% our waste for material recycling.